Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New beginnings

Hello. I have been away a while. Writing wasn't happening to me for a while, I thinking it is beginning to happen again.

While I have never been quite the "New Year" person, I think I would quite like to use this punctuation in space-time as a sort of fresh start, for my writing to begin with. Here is a small piece to get started.

देखो! भोर हुई
आवाज़ लगाती साकीबाला,
कहती छोड़ वह सायं - विष
अधरों पर लेप यह प्रातः - हाला,
मदमस्त हो जा तू इस रस में
बह जाने दे जो बीत गया,
नव वर्ष की नयी उमंग यह
नव शुरुआतों की नयी मधुशाला ।

May we let go of the pains of evenings past, and start this morning with whatever joy we can muster. Wish you a year full of love, life and laughter.

- M

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